Missing Motherboard Features
I replaced my full scale home theater PC (HTPC) with a mini iTX system that streams from a dedicated server. Little has changed with motherboard features since I built the first HTPC in 2009. That is, there are two obvious missing features that media center folks would enjoy.
- BIOS configuration option to control system power with a remote control
- Control the AC power to external speakers.
Browse the web and these two missing items are sought and discussed.
Powering on and off with a remote control should be straightforward in BIOS design. Many remote controls are connected to a USB port. Many modern motherboards support USB wake support. All that is needed is to monitor for the respective infrared scan code.
Controlling external speakers could be done with an opto-isolator. Better, a second power cord connector would be available in the power supply unit (PSU). A motherboard header and connector to the PSU would control the second power cord connector. The header would be user-controlled by software. For example, there is no need to power on the speakers at 3 AM when recording a movie. Starting video or audio software would enable the header and power on the speakers.
Posted: Usability Tagged: General
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